Saint Thomas Episcopal Church Dallas Oregon
Adopted by
Bishop’s Advisory Committee, July 12, 2016
Saint Thomas Episcopal Mission Church is an independent mission of the Diocese of Oregon of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America (“The Episcopal Church”). As such it accedes to the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church, including especially the Doctrine enunciated in Canon IV.15, and to the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese of Oregon, provided that said Constitutions and Canons conform to the teaching of Holy Scripture and the Prayer Book tradition of the Episcopal Church. “Doctrine” is the basic and essential teachings of the Church. The Doctrine of the Church is to be found in the Canon of Holy Scripture as understood in the Apostle’s and Nicene Creeds and in the sacramental rites, the Ordinal and Catechism of the Book of Common Prayer.
Saint Thomas, as a “Believe Out Loud” mission is a caring church community open to all to grow in faith, love and service to others.
Name, Intent and Definitions
Sec. 1 Name:
The name of this mission shall be Saint Thomas Episcopal Church.
Sec. 2 Intent:
These Bylaws are intended to supplement the Constitutions and Canons of the Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Oregon, the authority governing this congregation as a mission of the Episcopal Church. The provisions of Canon 12 “Missions,” of the Diocese, are specifically adopted as governing.
Sec. 3 Definitions: As they pertain to these Bylaws the following definitions shall have the meanings ascribed:
CANON includes the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church and the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese of Oregon.
RECTOR means the Bishop of Oregon.
VICAR means the Priest-in-Charge of the Mission.
BISHOP’S ADVISORY COMMITTEE (BAC) means the governing body of this mission.
QUALIFIED VOTER is a baptized adult (16 and over) communicant in good standing.
The Bishop’s Advisory Committee
Sec. 1 Government:
The affairs of this mission shall be exercised by the BAC in accordance with the canons of the church. At its discretion, the BAC may delegate said authority to the officers. The officers shall be the Vicar, the Junior and Senior Wardens, the Clerk and the Treasurer.
Sec. 2 Composition of the Bishop’s Committee:
The Communicants of Saint Thomas shall elect not more than eight lay persons to the BAC. The Vicar shall be the chair. The Junior and Senior Wardens and remaining members shall be qualified voters of the mission and shall serve at the pleasure of the Bishop. The Senior Warden shall be appointed by the Vicar and the Junior Warden shall be elected at the BAC organization meeting following the Annual Meeting. The Committee shall elect a Treasurer and the Vicar shall appoint the Clerk who shall serve at the Vicar’s pleasure. The Treasurer and the Clerk need not be members of the Committee. The Treasurer may be removed by a three-quarters vote of the BAC.
Sec. 3 Nominating Committee:
The BAC shall appoint a Nominating Committee, consisting of the Vicar and three members of the BAC for the purpose of nominating persons to be elected to the Bishop’s Committee. The Vicar, based on pastoral concern, may reject a nomination to the Bishop’s Committee. This committee shall be presided over by the Vicar and shall present to the members of the Mission a list of nominations of those who have agreed to stand for election or recommendation. Nominations from the floor may be added during the Annual Meeting, provided that the nominator has received the nominee’s consent (in writing if the nominee is not present). The Vicar, based on pastoral concern, may reject a floor nomination to the Bishop’s Committee.
Sec 4. Limitations of Terms:
No person shall be elected to serve for longer than three years. One year must separate any additional three year terms.
Sec. 5 Vacancies:
Should a vacancy occur in the BAC, the Committee may, by majority vote, select a replacement to serve until the next Annual Meeting.
Sec. 6 Presiding Office, Votes and Quorum:
The Bishop as Rector, or in his/her absence the Vicar, is the presiding officer at all meetings of the BAC. In the absence of the Bishop or the Vicar, the Senior Warden will preside. In order for the Committee to vote on any matter, a quorum of the majority of the number of Committee members must be present. All votes shall be decided by a majority of those present.
The Rector and the Vicar
Sec. 1 The Rector:
The Bishop shall have the authority over the affairs of the mission, and shall appoint a Vicar as his/her representative.
Sec. 2 The Vicar:
The Vicar, serving as the Bishop’s representative, shall be in charge of all matters pertaining to the spiritual life of the Mission. The Vicar is a member of the Mission. The Vicar, showing cause to the BAC, may disband any organization or group of the Mission. All part-time or full-time employees of the Mission shall be hired and supervised by and responsible to the Vicar. Each November, the BAC and the Vicar shall participate in a “Review of Ministry” evaluation. The Junior and Senior Wardens will discuss the results of the evaluation with the Vicar as early as possible in December.
All formal organizations connected with the Mission shall be responsible to the Vicar. Each organization shall present at the Annual Meeting of the Mission a report containing a summary of its activities and finances and a list of its officers. The funds of any organization which has not met for three years shall be turned over to the Treasurer of the Mission to be used as the Executive Committee may direct.
Gifts and Memorials
No object intended as a permanent addition to the Church or Mission property, or to be used therein during public worship, shall be accepted as a gift or memorial without the approval of the Vicar and the BAC. All objects so accepted may be removed when deemed necessary by the BAC. The names of donors of such gifts and memorials, any terms and conditions, and the dates of acceptance shall be recorded in the permanent records of the Mission. All stocks, given to the Mission, once approved by the BAC, must immediately be sold by the Finance Committee for the best terms possible. Memorial gifts cannot be used for the general fund.
Annual Meeting and Special Meeting
Sec. 1 Annual Meeting:
a. A meeting of the Mission shall be held annually, normally on a Sunday in January for the purpose of electing persons to the BAC; electing delegates and alternates to the Diocesan Convention and Convocation Representatives; receiving the reports covering parochial statistics and finances and conducting such other business as may come before the meeting.
b. Notice of the time and place of such Annual Meeting shall be given at least 10 days prior to the meeting, and shall be read by the Vicar or other officiating minister on the Sunday next preceding the meeting at all worship services.
c. Those voting members of the mission present shall constitute a quorum.
d. The Meeting can be adjourned and rescheduled by a majority vote of those attending if unusual circumstances prevent reasonable attendance.
e. Such meeting shall be opened with prayer and shall be presided over by the Bishop, who shall have a vote in such meetings. In the absence of the Bishop, the order of priority for the presiding officer shall be: Vicar, Senior Warden, a member of the Bishop’s Committee, in order of seniority.
f. The Clerk of the BAC shall take the minutes of the meeting.
g. All elections will be by secret ballot. No votes may be cast by proxy. All elections will be by a majority of votes cast. In the case where each voter may vote for more than one person for an office, a ballot is valid if less than the number of votes is cast, but is invalid if more than the number of votes is made for that particular office.
Sec. 2 BAC Organization
An organizational meeting will be held immediately after the annual meeting. A Junior Warden shall be elected at that meeting and the Vicar shall announce the appointment of the Senior Warden.
Sec. 3 Special Meetings:
Special Meetings of the Mission may be called in accordance with the Canons of the Diocese (Canon 12, Section 4.c).
Finance Committee
The Vicar shall appoint a Finance Committee, composed of the Treasurer and at least two other members of the congregation who are competent in financial matters. The committee shall select its chair, and the Vicar shall be an ex-officio member. The Finance Committee shall establish financial procedures consistent with “Manual of Business Methods in Church Affairs” review financial records and reports, develop and maintain an annual budget under the guidance of the Vicar, and regularly provide financial reports to the Bishop’s Committee. The Finance Committee shall have authority to invest and sell church investments with the approval of the Bishop’s Committee.
Restrictions on Alienation or Encumbrance of Real Estate
No consecrated church or chapel, nor any church or chapel which has been used solely for divine service, nor any property which is being used as a parish house or rectory, nor any land incidental to or regularly used in connection with any of the foregoing, shall be alienated or encumbered without the previous written consent of the Bishop, acting with the advice and consent of the Standing Committee.
These Bylaws may be amended, changed, added to or repealed by a three-quarters vote of the BAC, followed by approval of a majority of those present at a special or annual meeting of the Mission called in accordance with Article IV, Sec. 2 of these Bylaws, provided that notice of the proposed amendment is given to the members of the Mission by church bulletin and electronic media at least one week before such meeting.
Adoption of Bylaws
These Bylaws shall be adopted by a three-quarters vote of the BAC, followed by approval of a majority of those present at a special meeting of the Mission called in accordance with Article IV, Sec. 2 of these Bylaws, provided that notice of the adoption of the proposed Bylaws is given in the church bulletin and electronic media at least one week before such meeting.